
Estonia – Where Medieval Meets Modern.

Estonia is a small and friendly country where the president can freely go shopping in the evening or enjoy a rock concert with the rest of our society. Estonia offers its guests a combined experience of medieval romance with modern luxury. You can spend entire days in the UNESCO heritage-listed medieval old town in Tallinn or you can go to one of Estonia’s small islands to have an exquisite, locally-produced dinner in the Luxurious Manor House. Estonia’s capital, Tallinn, is the best-preserved medieval city in Northern Europe. Estonia is a connecting point between Scandinavia, Central Europe, and what lies to the East.

Latvia – Best Enjoyed Slowly.

Latvia is the second largest Baltic country with 2.1 million residents. The Latvian language belongs to the same Balto-Slavic family as Lithuanian. Along with Estonia, Latvia is one of the most forested countries in the EU, covered by over 50% forest.
Riga, Latvia’s capital, is famous for having the highest concentration of Art Nouveau-style buildings in the world, as well as an old town on the UNESCO World Heritage list.

Lithuania – A Country Guarded By Angels. 

Lithuania is a country of majestic castles, embellished with gardens, flowerbeds, and works of art. It is a country where the Baltic Sea tempts you to jump in and make a splash. Surrounded by nature, it jewels its shores with a Lithuanian gold. In Vilnius, the capital of Lithuania, lies the Vilnius Castle complex that looks over the city at the place where the Vilnia and Neris rivers converge.

Nearby Destinations To Combine With A Trip To The Baltics:

Finland – The Land of The Thousand Lakes.

Finland is full of interesting contrasts, such as the four seasons, the midnight sun and winter darkness, urban and rural environments, and Eastern and Western cultures. It is the land of the thousand lakes. Most of Finland is covered by the Taiga. The northernmost region hits the Arctic Circle. In winter, the visitors can admire the Northern Lights in the Aurora Zone. Moreover, in the village of Rovaniemi, Santa’s house is located! Helsinki, the capital of Finland, is a vibrant seaside city of beautiful islands and great green parks – fresh and surprising, dynamic and lively.

Sweden – The Heart of Scandinavia.

Sweden is a sparsely populated country, characterized by its long coastline, extensive forests, and numerous lakes. It is one of the world’s northernmost countries. In terms of surface area, it is comparable to Spain, Thailand, or the American state of California. Sweden’s borders have remained unchanged since 1905, and the country has not been at war since 1814. Stockholm, the capital of Sweden, is built on 14 islands. It has more than 50 bridges, as well as the medieval old town, Gamla Stan, Royal palaces, and museums. Stockholm is known for its beautiful archipelago geographical features with its 24, 000 islands. Water surrounds the city; to the east lies the Baltic Sea and to the west, the Lake Mälaren.

Russia – The Great Adventure.

Russia, the world’s largest nation, borders European and Asian countries, as well as the Pacific and Arctic oceans. Its landscape ranges from tundra and forests to subtropical beaches. It is most famous for Moscow’s Bolshoi and St. Petersburg’s Marinsky ballet companies. St. Petersburg, founded by Russian leader Peter the Great, has the baroque Winter Palace, now housing part of the State Heritage Museum’s art collection.

Moscow. As it is stated in ancient chronicles, in 1147, Prince Yury Dolgoruky invited his relative, Prince Svyatoslav Olgovich, to see him in Moscow, which at that time was a small castle lost in the boundless Russian forest. Thus, the history of the biggest political, economic, cultural, and scientific center of Russia began.

St Petersburg. Built from nothing by westward-looking Peter the Great, St Petersburg was, since its inception, to be a display of imperial Russia’s growing status in the world. Fine-tuned by Peter’s successors, who employed a host of European architects to add fabulous palaces and cathedrals to the city’s layout, St Petersburg grew to be the Romanovs’ showcase capital, and Russia’s first great, modern city, a status it has retained despite the capital moving back to Moscow following the revolution.